Welcome Best Home Fitness Exercise Equipment

At Best Home Fitness Exercise Equipment, our goal is to spotlight the very best in Home fitness Equipment. Home gyms, treadclimbers, elliptical machines, treadmills, fitness DVD's and much more in the wide world of exercise equipment will be examined here and at our companion site ,Home Exercise Equipment

If you are looking for just the right piece of home exercise equipment that fits the needs of you and your family, it is best to take a few minutes and examine the different pluses and minuses of any potential purchase.

We will strive to give you the facts warts and all. When available, we will share with you the experiences of a wide swath of people who actually own the piece of exercise equipment you are considering buying. We want to give you the facts to help you make an informed decision.

Comparing The Bowflex PR1000 to The Total Gym XLS

On the face of it, the Bowflex PR1000 and the Total Gym XLS appear to have very little in common. But with a closer look, you can see several similarities.

First off they are popular home gyms. They can offer your entire family a complete workout from head to toes. Both use methods of resistance other than weights.

Yes, there are some similarities between these two home gyms. Either will give most folks the workout that they are seeking. But what are the differences between the two?

The Bowflex PR1000 home gym uses Power Rod resistance. It comes with 210 lbs. of resistance . If you want more you can upgrade to a total of 310 lbs. You will be able to do over 30 strength building exercises with this machine.

The PR1000 also comes with a built in rowing station and other features such as a bench and a leg curl station. The workout you get from this home gym is similar to working out with free weights. You'll get smoother resistance than you would from free weights but the workout is similar.

The Total Gym XLS uses your own body weight as resistance. You can adjust the gliding board to different levels in order to lift higher or lower percentages of your body weight.

You will be able to choose from over 80 different exercise with this home gym. The exercises are similar to a pilates workout.

Either of these home gyms will give you a great workout. If you are a bodybuilder you'll probably want to stick with free weight. But if you just want to get into really good shape, either one of these choices is a winner!